Fleet VehicFleet vehicle licensingle Licensing & Titling

Vehicle licensing and registration are critical to any business with a fleet, but they can also be frustrating to manage. With constantly changing rules and regulations, often monthly, licensing and title registration can become a challenge for a customer. Luckily, Glesby Marks offers licensing and titling services as a part of our fleet management solutions.

Our Process for Vehicle Licensing and Titling

We have created a process that begins 45–60 days in advance and works on your behalf in the following areas:

  • Renewals — handling the timely renewal of vehicle registrations to ensure continuous legal operation. This includes tracking expiration dates, preparing necessary paperwork, and submitting renewals to appropriate authorities.
  • In-State Registration — facilitating the initial registration of new vehicles purchased or leased within the state where the business primarily operates. This includes completing necessary forms, submitting required documentation (title, proof of insurance, etc.), and obtaining license plates.
  • Title Transfers — managing the transfer of vehicle ownership when acquiring or disposing of fleet vehicles. This includes handling title applications, and lien releases, and ensuring proper documentation for legal ownership transfer.
  • Initial Vehicle Registration — covering the first-time registration of a vehicle, whether new or used, acquired by the fleet. This includes verifying vehicle identification numbers (VINs), obtaining necessary inspections, and submitting required documentation to the relevant authorities.
  • Interstate Re-Registration — handling the re-registration of vehicles moved from one state to another, complying with varying state regulations and requirements. This includes updating registration information, obtaining new license plates, and meeting any state-specific inspections or emissions standards.
  • Replacement Plates — Obtains duplicate registration certificates and stickers in case of loss or damage. This includes submitting necessary paperwork and coordinating with relevant authorities to issue replacements promptly.
  • Replacement Registration — obtaining duplicate registration certificates and stickers in case of loss or damage. This includes submitting necessary paperwork and coordinating with relevant authorities to issue replacements promptly.
  • Relicensing and Retitling Services — handling the renewal of licenses and titles for vehicles already in the fleet. This includes proactive monitoring of expiration dates, preparing the necessary paperwork, and ensuring timely submission to avoid penalties or lapses in legal operation.

In addition to the above services, Glesby Marks will keep you informed on VIN and emissions inspection requirements unique to your state. Call today for more information on how Glesby Marks can make fleet management tasks easy!


  • No Mileage Restrictions
  • No Wear & Tear Clauses
  • No Administrative Fees
  • No Management Fees

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